1. Introduction
2. Conduct Effective/Efficient Online Lessons
2.1. Planning Different e-Learning – Blended, Flipped and Hybrid Learning
2.2. Researching Suitable Technologies for Online Teaching (Access to Infrastructure)
2.3. Necessary Basic Skills to Use Online Learning Technologies
2.4. Recognizing and Using The Selfie Tool
3. Pedagogical Challenges
3.1. Resource Aspect of Online Course Preparations
3.2. Being Prepared for Issues Such as Copying, Plagiarism, Gdpr in Distance Education
3.3. Evaluating the Reliability and Relevance of the Content Using Different Sources
3.4. Preparation of e-Course Syllabus
3.5. Identifying Learning Objectives
3.5.1. Preparing Learning Objectives and Bloom's Taxonomy

e-Prep Calendar

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